The ARC Accessibility Services Office has been designated with the responsibility of processing requests for accommodations and ensuring that appropriate accommodations are provided. However, it is the responsibility of the university to accommodate students with disabilities. The ARC serves as a resource for faculty and staff who work with students with disabilities. The ARC director and ARC staff are available to answer questions, consult on problem situations, provide information, and support for accommodating students. By working together, we can ensure that students with disabilities have an equal opportunity to participate in all aspects during their time here at Concordia.

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Testing policies

Students must abide by the Academic Policies and Code of Conduct outlined in the Concordia Catalogs and Student Handbook. Any suspected cheating or use of unauthorized resources will be documented by the Testing Center staff and reported to the appropriate faculty member. Non-audio security cameras and a proctor monitor the Testing Center in order to ensure test security and fairness. Click here to view our Testing Center Policies.

Arranging make-up tests